Parents, teachers, and kids all over have been counting down the days until school is out and summer is finally here. It's been a long year, and summer means a time to relax and have fun and go on adventures! Play dates and park dates and pool parties and trips to the zoo. Popsicles with the neighbor kids and BBQ's with family friends. Late nights and later mornings, days spent in pajamas and swim suits, the smell of sweat mixed with sunscreen on your kids. It's pretty magical. But that magic doesn't come easy (and sometimes not at all) if you're a working parent.

See, school is out, and kids are out, but our jobs don't stop between June and August. For working parents, the summer isn't magical - it can be incredibly difficult. It's hard not to feel guilty during the summer, when your friends and their kids are out making memories and you're at work while your kids at various day cares, camps, and with baby sitters. One blogger wrote about how much guilt working moms can feel during the summer, and we really relate to what she said.

Megan Brammeier is a mom to three who lives in Missouri. She works full time as a creative director for an ad agency, and even though she's fortunate enough to work for a company that values work life balance and is supportive of working parents, summer is still a guilty season.

In a post on her blog, Brammeier describes what summer can be like for families with working parents. We don't have to worry about planning outings during the week or organizing play dates with all our kids' friends.

Instead, we're scrambling to find care for our kids during the week, and paying out of the nose for day camps to give our kids something fun to do. We're scrolling through Instagram feeds on our lunch breaks that show families at the beach or amusement park, and rushing home after work to relieve the baby sitter so we don't get dinged with a late pickup fee. We're trying to cram as much summer fun as we can into the weekends, while trying to keep the laundry from piling up and the house from falling into disarray. It can be so hard not to feel guilty, and we fail at that most days.

If you're a working mama, have some grace with yourself this summer. You are doing the best you can, and your kids are going to have an awesome summer no matter what. It's not about the quantity of time, but the quality, remember? Make the most of the moments you do have, and try to let do of some of the guilt over the moments you don't.

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