Here’s a new report that shouldn’t surprise many animal fans and lovers out there. There’s a new study that suggests women get the best sleep when their furry family member is right next to them. And no, we are not talking about their razor-challenged partners. Instead, women get the best rest at night whenever their dog is sleeping next to them at night.

A new study analyzed the ways dogs and cats influence female sleep routines. According to Fox News, researchers at Canisius College asked 962 adult women living all across the country about their sleeping habits in an online survey. Of the respondents, 55 percent said they sleep with at least one dog and 31 percent with at least one cat.

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Researchers discovered that women who shared their bed with a dog said they experienced a better night of sleep. They reported that sleeping next to their furry friend was less disruptive than with a human partner. If that weren’t enough, many women also feel that dogs provided stronger feelings of comfort and security.

But that doesn’t mean sleeping with your partner is the worst option, as about 57 percent of respondents said that they also slept with a human partner. Others said that they also slept well with both their partner and their dog beside them.

The researchers behind the study also recommended follow-up research to determine if pet owners' perceptions of pets' impacts on their sleep align with objective measures of sleep quality. Seeing how many dogs don’t move much at night, take up very little space and don’t snore as loud as our human partners do, we might already know what the answer to that question is.

And while we definitely do not advise anyone to kick their partners out of bed, if you’ve been feeling restless lately, you might just want to consider making a little more room in your bed for your family pet. You might or might not be thanked with plenty of wet kisses. Sleeping next to a pooch might not drastically change the way you sleep at night, but it might help you gain an extra hour of wink eye here and there.

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