The latest attack made by a Karen happened in Arizona in our beloved Target, so to say we're irritated is an understatement. Karen, or the name that has been given to a privileged white woman who feels like she can pretty much do whatever she wants, was shopping in Target destroying a face mask display over the weekend. To make things even more hilarious, she videoed the incident herself.

The New York Post reported the situation and it is a doozy, to say the least. Melissa Rein Lively, who runs a public relations company in Scottsdale, can be heard in the footage going off on an incredibly explosive rant, while she points the camera at a display of protective face coverings.

The video, which has been viewed 5.9 million times, you can hear her saying “Finally we meet the end of the road. I’ve been looking forward to this s–t all my f–king life,” and going on and on about how "this sh$t is over."

It all started whenever she was pushing her cart through Target and she came across a display selling face masks, which are undoubtedly an important part of our lives right now (ahem coronavirus). She gets so mad about the display that she starts tearing in apart, repeating, “So, Target, I’m not playing anymore f—ing games. This s–t is f—ing over.”

She repeats, “This s–t’s over,” then says “Yeah, wooh!”

RELATED: It's Obvious Why Parents Aren't Naming Baby Girls 'Karen" Anymore

She is then approached by two Target employees, who try to get her attention. In her own world, she just replies, “This is over.” She asks them, “Why? You let everybody else do it … I can’t do it because I’m a blond white woman? That’s wearing a f—ing $40,000 Rolex.”

Apparently that Rolex makes her feel extra special.

Then, a second video surfaced, which has now been viewed over 2.6 million times, that shared the aftermath of what happened at Target when police officers are seen inside Lively's garage. When confronted, she says that she is a spokesperson for the White House and she can’t share “classified information.”

*warning, there is language used in the video that may not be suitable for children*

It gets better you guys. Or should we say, even more "Karen-esque"?

She tells the officers, “I was hired to be the QAnon spokesperson.”

“You’re a spokesperson, correct? … I think we have enough here,” says an officer.

She's then told to turn around. Our wondering minds assume she is being arrested, but there is no way to know for sure. She ends with a bang, though, by saying “You’re doing this to me ’cause I’m Jewish” and “This is a Nazi f—king game.”

No words.

READ MORE: Viral Video Perfectly Nails What 'Karens Be Like'