Making eye contact with kids is vital. This is because eye contact is responsible for much of the non-verbal communication that occurs between people. In order to be able to correctly read facial expressions and let others know that attention is being paid to what they said, eye contact is a must. As such, parents need to take ample opportunities to make eye contact with their kids so that doing so with others is not uncomfortable and communication skills can be strengthened.

When babies are born, parents make eye contact with their little ones often. This is done so that oxytocin is released, the bond is strengthened between babies and parents, and early communication skills are learned, according to The Indian Express.

The need for eye contact does not stop at infancy, however. Instead, it becomes even more important as kids age. This is because they begin to learn the intricacies of reading the room, know how people are responding to their behavior, and improve their understanding of others. All things that will help kids to be successful as they age.

RELATED: 8 Reasons A Toddler May Make Little To No Eye Contact

Here is why making eye contact with kids is vital.

Eye Contact Helps Makes Kids More Social

via Pexels/Anete Lusina

When kids use eye contact, they come across as confident. Someone that others want to be friends with. And because of this eye contact, kids can become more social as a result.

According to Everyday Health, eye contact sends the message that kids are confident. It also lets others know that they are paying attention to what is being said. That combination of confidence and genuine interest in others will be a draw for other kids.

And as a result, eye contact will make kids more social with their peers.

Eye Contact Strengthens Relationships

By being able to communicate non-verbally with others, kids can gain an understanding about the relationships they have with others in their lives. An understanding that strengthens relationships all with a solid glance from one person to another.

According to Better Help, when there is a pre-existing relationship with someone, eye contact works to strengthen that relationship further. This is especially true in relationships where there is love.

As such, when parents look at children, siblings make eye contact, or close friends make eye contact, there is an immediate understanding shared. And that shared understanding makes everyone feel better about themselves and the state of the important relationships around them.

Eye Contact Helps With Communication Skills

via Pexels/Ivan Samkov

Kids are working on their communication skills as soon as they are born. Part of which is done through eye contact. But as they get older and communication becomes more refined, nonverbal communication becomes as important as verbal communication.

And because of this, parents will want to practice eye contact with their kids until it is something that becomes second nature.

According to Victoria State Government, non-verbal communication can say more about what people are trying to express than words alone. When eye contact is used, it portrays that there is an interest in what is being said, can exhibit and react to emotions, and can determine how someone is feeling by reading their non-verbal cues.

As such, the more that kids make eye contact, the stronger their communication skills are. And the more they are practiced while young, the better communicators they will be as adults.

Eye Contact Can Swap Energy

Making eye contact can let others know the emotions being felt. And if these emotions happen to be negative ones, sometimes, eye contact can swap the energy and put people in better moods.

According to Ro, eye contact relays how people feel. It can let others know just by reading facial expressions if they are happy, sad, upset, angry, or more. It is when those who are feeling blue make eye contact with those who are empathetic to them that they can begin to feel better.

As such, an energy swap of sorts occurs. And with it, better moods can prevail.

Eye Contact Helps To Read Facial Expressions

via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Eye contact is the first step in recognizing what facial expressions belong to each emotion. While kids may understand in theory how emotions and facial expressions go together, in practice, it can be more difficult.

This is why it may take kids a while to be able to correctly discern the meaning of facial expressions. But the more they are practiced, the easier it becomes.

According to Stanford Medicine, one of the first signs that kids understand facial expressions is being able to determine what a smile means. Something, that per the publication, the brain is wired to recognize most often.

As such, working on making eye contact to determine emotions can not only be a fun game but my make kids more empathetic to others. This is done by trying to understand what the other person is going through based on facial expression alone.

Source: Victoria State Government, The Indian Express, Ro, Stanford Medicine, Better Help, Everyday Health