Research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition may suggest that whole milk is healthier for kids. Many parents avoid the high fat content, but nutritionists recommend keeping the whole milk in the fridge. Although it goes against our usual logic, it can actually help kids stay in shape.

Whether it’s a glass of milk before bed or the cereal-infused milk at breakfast, children drink a lot of milk, especially in the US and Canada. Due to this, many parents opt to reduce their kids’ calorie consumption through switching to fat-reduced milk or milk alternatives. While the logic is sound, researchers are may prove us wrong.

A study evaluated the relationship between cow milk fat consumption and adiposity in children between one and 18 years old was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers collected and analyzed data from 28 reports of 21,000 children, and they found no direct link between cutting out fat in dairy and reducing child obesity. What they did find, however, was much more surprising.

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Researchers suggest that there is a link between high cow milk fat intake and lower chances of child adiposity. In some of the reports analyzed, they found that children who drank whole milk were less likely to be obese than those who drank low-fat milk. This finding is in direct conflict with what we’ve known our whole lives; it means that if their hypothesis is confirmed, then international guidelines on reducing fat in milk for kids are wrong. Kids should be drinking more whole milk!

In the conclusion, the researchers state that randomized trials are still needed to determine exactly how cow milk reduces the risk of child obesity. On top of this, scientists need to isolate the specific property in cow milk fat that makes this happen. Even though more studies need to be done, the hypothesis could simply mean that kids need more high-calorie foods and drinks, especially if they’re more active than most. Kids needs energy to grow and develop, so the more nutrients, the better. If whole milk can help with this, then we should consider switching the kids’ diet.