While the COVID-19 pandemic going on, every family has been suffering to some extent. There could be an argument that children have had the worst experience, as their whole lives have been turned upside down, and they do not have the emotional and developmental capacity to cope with the changes as well as adults can. Their school has been moved to virtual, and they have had to go without playdates with their friends, playdates that are vital to their development. Play has always been essential for children, but children are getting bored with their toys and books, and are in need of an outlet.

According to The Conversation, play may be even more important during the time of the pandemic. Play is learning and it is vital for a child’s development and learning. If mom can give their child play, at the very least, then they are providing one of the basic needs and rights of a child. However, she may be wondering how she can encourage play in the era of a pandemic. Play can be easy; we just need to get a bit creative.

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Virtual Is The New Reality

While moms never thought that they would be providing their children with so much screen time, they also never thought they would be trying to get through a pandemic. According to Greater Good Magazine, virtual play is happening all across the US and children have been adapting to virtual play dates.

Moms have been using resources to help engage their child in play, like fitness YouTube videos and games like Scavenger Hunts and Simon Says are great ways to get a child moving. If a child is a bit older, and can navigate a Zoom on their own, they can connect with their friends online for a trivia game or other activity.

Think Outside The Toy Box

It has become clear that mom has to get creative when it comes to keeping her child entertained and excited about play. Children can get bored when they are playing with the same toys over and over again. Mom can use online resources to think of new games her child can play, or even better, get down and play with her child. Mom can show her child a different way of using the toys to create a brand-new game.

Rely On Old Faithful

Since COVID-19 has closed many places, parents can often feel like there is nowhere they can bring their child to play. Time and convenience have made parents forget about something simple: outside. According to Healthy Children, it is important to get children outside to play and the best part of that is there are so many adventures to have.

Even when the weather is bad, it can make a world of difference to bundle up your children and take them outside to jump in puddles or roll in the snow. Mom and dad may find themselves connecting with their inner child if they joined in and made play. Outside is one of the safest places for you to take your child when you are trying to keep them safe from the virus.

READ NEXT: A Psychologist's Perspective On "Playful Parenting"

Sources: Healthy Children, Greater Good Magazine, The Conversation