Since they came on the scene in recent years, subscription boxes are life changing. There is something satisfying about getting a box that is carefully curated and filled with things that you know you'll love. This way, you're finding new things without having to go through the vetting process. For parents, a baby subscription box would be a blessing. When you're faced with so many different versions of the same items, it's overwhelming. But having a box of curated samples eliminates a lot of the work for people who don't have time. Enter Walmart and their new Baby Box, a subscription box service just for parents.

Ranging from newborns (or even prenatal) to toddlers, the box is full of samples and exclusive deals. By basing each box on a different stage of development, you will not have to sift through dozens of products. A box like this really does the heavy lifting for you. Which is kind of amazing when you have an infant at home and don't have the time or energy to sift through hundreds of reviews online to see what's most popular.

So, how exactly does it work? Well, when you get on the website, you can register based on your need. Prenatal, Infant, or Toddler. Once you choose your box, you're all done! Walmart does all the rest of the work for you. Depending on what box you register for, you will receive the next box once you've reached that milestone. Imagine it to be filled with things like skincare, wipe and formula samples, coupons, etc.

To register for the Prenatal box, you need to be six to one months away from your due date. Then around your due date, you will get the newborn box and then the toddler box when it's time. And the best part? The box itself is free. All you need to do is pay for shipping. So for $5 you get a carefully curated box and don't have to do any work.

A box like this also makes a great gift. You aren't charged for the box until it's ready to ship, and again, it's only $5. So that's about $20 in the long run, which is barely anything. And again, you don't have to do any work.

This will be a lifesaver, especially for new parents and parents of babies when it's all a guessing game on what will work and what won't. Walmart is very smart.

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