A new study has found that sports in youth can improve their concentration and improve their quality of life. It has always been common sense that sports and physical activities are good for children. That it is good for them to get up and get their body moving. It can help them lead a healthy lifestyle, it can help them sleep at night, and it can make sure that their bodies are working the way they should.However, studies are always being done to see how sports can impact a child’s mental health and wellbeing, and it can encourage parents to try and get their children involved.According to Medical Xpress, a study was done that showed that participation in sports can help youth concentrate, and can improve their overall quality of life. This study was done by Technical University Munich, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: Should Kids Be Allowed To Quit Sports?The study found that elementary school students who were “physically fit” felt better and were able to concentrate better in school. They were more likely to make it to higher-level schools than children who did not have as many sporting abilities.To complete the study, they looked at more than 3,200 girls and more than 3,200 boys, and they looked specifically at their physical strength and their endurance. They also used internationally standardized test procedures to look at their ability to concentrate and their health-related quality of life.The results proved that the higher the level of the child’s physical fitness, the better they were able to concentrate, and they had a higher health-related quality of life. On the flip side, they also found that children who were obese, or who were underweight, had poorer well-being and self-esteem, and they did not have as great a social circle.

The researchers state that this study just shows that there is importance in making sure that children are getting a high level of physical fitness, and that they are engaging in sports and other activities. This may seem tricky to the parent who has a child who doesn’t seem to be interested in sports. However, with a little communication and exploration, they may be able to find one that their child does like.

Exposing them to different sports and activities is the best way to find one that they are good at and one that they enjoy participating in, and it is even better if it is something the whole family can play together.

Sources: Medical Xpress, MDPI