When you think of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you probably think of kids. It's a fairly common condition in kids, although it's not always easy to get a diagnosis (or in some cases, is over-diagnosed or misdiagnosed). The developmental disorder is characterized by a lack of focus, impulsiveness, disorganization, an inability to manage time, and a low threshold for frustration or anger. ADHD seems to be predominant in kids, and mostly in boys, and is most often diagnosed between the ages of 6-12. It's believed to improve as kids get older and enter adulthood.

But ADHD isn't just a pediatric disorder, and while many people who were diagnosed in childhood see improvement in adulthood, it's still pretty widely underdiagnosed among adults. Many of the symptoms of adult ADHD mirror those of the disorder in kids, but because it's still considered a pediatric disorder, adult sufferers have a hard time getting the help they need.

If you're someone who's always late, has a hard time focusing on the task at hand, is restless or needs to be constantly busy, or struggles with impulsiveness, you may have brushed those things off as areas to work on or personality quirks. But they can be signs of adult ADHD. It's hard to pinpoint exactly how many people suffer from the disorder; according to ADHA Action, approximately 1.5 million adults in the UK have ADHD, but only 120,000 of them have an official diagnosis.

Getting a diagnosis is tricky for a lot of reasons. Many doctors still see it as a pediatric disorder, and feel that if an adult patient can hold down a job or attend college and get a degree, that they're condition isn't disruptive enough to require medical treatment. But if you have ADHD or suspect you do, then you know just hard it can be to get through your daily life. Just because you're able to do one thing, doesn't mean everything else isn't falling apart around you.

If this sounds like it could be you, it's a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor and talk to them about the possibility of adult ADHD. There are treatment options available, and therapies to help you develop better coping mechanisms to manage your disorder. Just because you're not a kid, doesn't mean you can't have ADHD. No one should have to just "deal with it".

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