We have to admit: we have sort of a soft spot for parents pranking their kids. Now, we don't mean any sort of mean-spirited pranks that harm the child in any way or call into question their feeling of trust and security in their parents. But a fun, light-hearted prank that doesn't hurt anyone and makes people laugh in the process? We're into it! This parenting gig is so serious and hard and stressful so much of the time, it's nice when parents get an opportunity to have a little with their kiddos.

The latest funny parenting prank involves parents shutting off the TV right in the middle of their kids playing Fortnite, the hugely popular video game that is currently a big obsession in a lot of houses. It all started when late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel issued a YouTube challenge to viewers: sneak up on your kids and turn off the TV right in the middle of their Fortnite game. Plenty of people responded with videos of them shutting down their kid's gaming session, and the results are pretty hilarious.

But as you can imagine, not many of the kids took too kindly to being shut down right in the middle of their game. Some of them were fairly good-natured about it, but some of the kids went right for the attitude toward their parents. There is lots of screaming, plenty of whining, and a few too many bad words considering these are actual children. But most of the kids just kind of stared at the screen and then at their parent, trying to figure out what in the world just happened.

PREVIOUSLY: How To Protect Your Kid From 'Fortnite' Scams

We had two favorites: the mom who could not manage to figure out how in the world to turn off the TV (seriously, she was funny), and the little boy who sort of chuckled then told his dad to go cook something. It was the right reaction, for sure! We know kids can get pretty into their Fortnite games, but it is just a game after all. Reactions to the videos has been mixed, with some people expressing disbelief that some of the kids had that level of disrespect for their parents.

We agree with a lot of the reactions. The "go cook" kid seems like he has a good head on his shoulders, and reacted in the way we hope our kids would react to something like this! Some of those other kids, however, could probably use some more time AWAY from their games, working on basic manners and respect.

READ NEXT: Parents Guide To Understanding Fortnite: Battle Royale