We are all going a little crazy trying to entertain our children who are out of school due to the coronavirus. It has been a couple of months now, and we are slowly running out of ideas on how we can entertain our children. A bored child is never fun, and they usually end up getting into mischief in some way. It turns out that celebrities have the same battle as we do when it comes to their children.

We have heard the struggles celebrities are facing due to homeschooling and their attempts that often fail at baking and other hobbies, but Pink may have found something that works. The singer posted a video on her Instagram of an activity she had set up for her son. She captioned the post, "Survivor Obstacle Course" and said that, “The Ropes Are Lava!!!" She had set up an obstacle course for her son in her house.

Previously: Pink Opens Up About Her Fears When Her Son Showed COVID-19 Symptoms

The video starts with her spinning her son around a couple times and then they both hop through some hula hoops. They then try their luck at walking across some pillows, which is adorable as her son struggles and lets out a genuine laugh. Then they head outside to what has to be the best deck we have ever seen. Pink through in some challenges as well, getting her son to throw something in a box and figure out a little puzzle.

It is something that is so simple, but clearly has brought so much joy to her son. Kids love repeating things, so it is likely that he will run it multiple times. What is also very heartwarming is the way Pink was right there the whole time just cheering her son on.

It truly shows that you don’t need to spend a lot of money or think too much about how to provide some entertainment for you kids. Just look around your house for things you can use. It will never hurt when you have a house like Pink’s or a backyard, because that glimpse we got of her view was to die for and we are all jealous.

Next: Pink Shares Her Epic Baking Fail While Trying To Make Cheesecake