A pediatrician has spoken up about what she believes to be the “right” age a child should be before parents bring a pet into the home. A family pet is important to a lot of people, they don’t feel like their home is complete unless they have a furry companion running around the house. It also can help teach a child concepts like responsibility and compassion, lessons that are important for child development. The most common pets for families are cats and dogs, and while they are adorable and cuddly, it is still a big decision that families need to think carefully about.

They have to make sure their child is truly old enough to help out with the pet, and that they are old enough to know how to treat an animal. Knowing how to be gentle and respectful with a dog, for example, can prevent bites and attacks. According to Medical Xpress and Healthy Children, a pediatrician is speaking about what age is “ideal” for introducing a pet to a family.

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While there may not be one universal answer that works for every family, there are things that parents can take into consideration. Dr. Laura Marusinec is the pediatrician, and she stated that if she had to give an age, she would always suggest for families to wait until their child is over the age of 4 years old.

The reason she says this magic number is because dog bites are most commonly occurring in children younger than that age. That could be due to children not being old enough to comprehend boundaries or acceptable behavior with a dog, or even a cat.

She does state that parents have to think about their child’s individual maturity level. Four is a very average age, and there are children older than that who may not be developmentally ready for a pet.

If we look at a child’s health as a factor, it may take a while to figure out if your child has any allergies by being around friends or family member’s pets. Parents are the other reason why she recommends waiting until children are over 4 years old. She states that when you have a newborn or a toddler, you are already juggling a lot and it is likely that most (if not all) of the pet responsibilities will fall on you.

By waiting until your child is a bit older, not only can they help you with simple tasks, they require a lot less of your attention and care so it is not putting so much on your plate.

READ NEXT: Kids & Animals: Everything Parents Needs To Know About Their Interactions

Sources: Medical Xpress, Healthy Children