Parents know the struggle to serve and prepare healthy meals and snacks for their children. Now that school's back in session it's even more difficult to send kids with a meal and snacks that they're not only going to eat but will keep them fueled to learn all day long. One mother recently posted her healthy snack hack on Facebook but the reaction is mixed among mom groups!

Sarah is a teacher and mother of two who also blogs under the handle The Eager Teacher. She recently posted a snack hack on Facebook showing how she ensures that she always has healthy snacks on hand for her children to snack whenever they want. The picture shows containers of fruit, vegetables, and cheese that she makes available for her kids as "self-serve" options. "Self-serve for my kiddos means help yourself without asking and it’s always an okay snack (any time of day, bedtime snacks, etc.)" she wrote. "It also helps me when I’m packing lunches and snacks, or as a side dish when dinner doesn’t include something they will definitely eat or if we have a busy/late night."

While many thought Sarah's idea of a self-serve option was great, others had a big problem with it.

"Well that's one afternoon of snacks at my house, what are they gonna do for bedtime? Lol seriously that would all be gone in one day in my house, I have to Ration it out," wrote one commenter. "I can’t allow self serve. My kids would have that eaten in two days if I did that. They lack self-control. I have to put it out of their reach," wrote another. Another agreed writing, "my son would eat all this literally in the first day. When food is readily available he eats and eats and eats.'

One mom criticized Sarah for simply preparing the food for her children writing, "Kids should pack their own lunch each morning! Every Weekend Prepare 2 containers in the fridge for the week that each morn they pick 1 or 2 items. Then go to the freezer & grab one sandwich & 1 drink pouch & 1 gogurt! Training independent children to be responsible adults!" Another didn't like the idea of allowing kids to snack much at all. "I really feel like our generation gives our kids too many snacks and options. We were starving by the time we ate dinner. That's how I like to keep my kids," she wrote.

There were many who thought Sarah's idea was genius, however, and not just for kids. "Wonderful idea not only for kids but adults as well. How many times do we go to the fridge and want to grab something quick," noted one commenter. "This is great, even for us adults. We always hit the fridge for a quick snack and end up grabbing junk because it's easier. Not this way!" added another.

People definitely had some very strong thoughts about Sarah's snack hack. Her post has already racked up over 30 thousand comments and one hundred thousand likes since she posted it on September 15! Obviously this is what works for Sarah and her family and was posted to inspire others, even if many disagreed. How do you handle snacking in your house?

Read Next10 Snacks Your Kids Can Make Themselves