There are so many things in life that are completely out of our control, especially whenever you become a parent. In fact, it's something you learn more every single day through parenthood. Whether it was planned or unplanned, a new study says that moving during the first trimester of you pregnancy should be something you avoid at all costs - so plan accordingly.

And the reasons behind these finding are backed by science, so they are not to be overlooked.

A new study completed by the University of Washington shares has concluded that moving to a new residence during the first three months of pregnancy is linked to a heightened risk of premature birth and low birthweight, as well as a slightly higher risk of a smaller-than-expected-size baby.

Wow. Just wow.

The research was done by randomly selecting 30,000 women who had moved during the first three months of pregnancy, and comparing them with 120,000 randomly selected women of the same birth year, but who hadn't moved during early pregnancy.

Previous research has been known to suggest that causes of stress during the first trimester have a greater impact on the health of the baby during that time than later on during pregnancy. This is why the first trimester was chosen to research.

During the final analysis,  28,011 women had moved early in pregnancy and 112,451 who hadn't. The women who recorded that they moved early on in their pregnancies, the majority were younger, less educated, had lower levels of household income and had other children compared to the women who hadn't moved. Researchers also pointed out that they were  also was more likely to be unmarried and to have smoked during their pregnancy. All of these were taken into consideration whenever the researchers looked for low birthweight; premature birth; and smaller-than-expected-size babies.

They concluded that a house move during the first three months of pregnancy was associated with a 37% heightened risk of low birthweight and a 42% heightened risk of premature birth compared with those who didn't move during this period.

However, researchers have also noted that it's still too early on during their research to begin raising any red flags. Julia Bond, the lead author who conducted the research while at the UW School of Public Health shared that, "I don't think we have enough information to make any specific recommendations about moving during pregnancy at this point, but I'm hopeful that our study will draw attention to moving as a risk factor worth investigating in more detail."

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