The relationship between any child and their mother is so special and so important. However, with a son, things are a bit different. The bond mothers tend to grow with their sons is something that cannot be explained by those who have it, and cannot be understood by those who haven't.

Chances are the mother has already noticed how special the connection with him is. The connection shared is one that grows stronger each and every day. If a mother only has boys, she may not realize just how deep this connection goes, because she has nothing else to compare it too.

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Mama's Boy

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The term, "mama's boy" might come to mind when thinking about a son who is close to his mother. That might be true in some cases, but the mother/son bond is a deep one, and it has nothing to do with being a spoiled little boy. Author Cheri Fuller states a mother's love doesn't make her son more dependent and timid, it actually makes him stronger and more independent.

Maternal love is perhaps the most powerful, positive influence on a son's development and life. A mother's love and connection with her son grows stronger every day. He will grow to be a strong, independent, caring man because they were loved by their mom.

The Interconnected Nature Of The Mother & Son Bond

mom with son in bed

This unique relationship may actually be a result of the Yin and Yang Principle. All things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. A delicate balance between opposite energy.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung had what is known as, The Carl Jung Theory. He believed that human beings were (are) connected to each other and their ancestors through a shared set of experiences. That we are interconnected within each individual. Energetic opposites that coexist in each of us can be balanced and magnified in beneficial ways as a mother raises her son.

Mothers Carry Their Sons' DNA In Their Brain Forever

Mom And Child Without Dad For Fathers Day

A significant study was done and published by PLOS ONE stating the fetal DNA cells of an unborn son are able to pass through the blood/brain barrier. That barrier is there to protect the brain from harmful substances and has no problem allowing boys' cells to pass through. These cells then live in the mother's brain, scattered about. The University of Washington scientists looked at the post-mortem brains of 59 women, and it was found that 63 percent of the brains had fetal DNA that could only come from a male.

Daughters Vs. Sons


Some mothers might feel like they know all about their daughters. They are always two steps ahead because they too were once young girls. When it comes to their sons though, it's like a whole new world. Moms have no idea what it's like to be a boy, it's a new adventure they want to dive in and learn about says, Lorinne Burke, MMFT, LCPC, NCCE, NCPC.

Moms Keep Their Sons Out Of Trouble

mom talking to teen son at park bench

Research by Oxford Pediatrics shows that the close relationship between mother and son significantly lowers the risk of boys getting involved in high-risk behaviors. This is based largely on mother-son attachment. Moms create a safe and loving home; they are very important to their sons. This drives their sons to want to sustain this relationship and stay away from anything that could break it apart.

A Mother's Love & Support Spans Lifetimes

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Moms are such immense forces of nature. When it comes to their [healthy] support, it's like having a personal cheer squad. Boys love this. Their mothers' support is a natural confidence booster. This is something they can take with them through life. When it comes time to try new things, they can call on it, it will always be there. This gentle loving support also reflects on them, making them gentle, loving, and supportive too.

Boys Do Better When Mom Is Involved

Happy Grateful Child

The University of Essex also did a study and discovered boys who spend a lot of time with their mothers are 20-40% better at being social. The reason for that is, there is a stronger cognitive development that happens through doing activities together. A boy will also have better verbal skills by having good communication with his mom.

Higher Emotional Intelligence


According to Reading University, boys who have a healthy secure attachment to their mothers are less likely to have behavioral problems, which might infringe on their emotional development. Boys learn how to deal with interpersonal conflicts, as well as form connections with other people, primarily from their mothers.

Not All Relationships Are The Same

There is no rule that all these things are true for every mother and son. Some mothers and sons have very toxic relationships, some have no relationship at all. The signs of a dysfunctional mother/son relationship can appear early on in the son's childhood. Such a relationship affects the brain development and cognitive abilities of the child, resulting in difficulty bonding, learning, and unhealthy coping mechanisms or attachment issues.

Sources: Yin and Yang, Carl Jung, Lorinne Burke, Oxford Pediatrics, University of Essex, Reading University, PLOS ONE, University of Washington