The world still awaits the result of the US presidential election, and it is too easy to say that this election has been dividing the country. It has even been dividing families, as conflict is happening between loved ones who have different political views. Since we live in the age of social media, most of these interactions get caught on camera and shared with the world on apps like Facebook and TikTok. The good, bad and ugly are broadcasted for everyone to see and interact with.

One mom and her son are going viral on TikTok due to the vote her son placed. According to BuzzFeed News, Chris is a teenager who was able to cast a vote and he decided to vote Independent, when his mom found out, she was not happy.

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The interaction was filmed by a third party in the car, but Chris’s grandmother was also on the phone and could hear the conversation. In the video, you can hear Chris say that his mom has to stop “worshipping” these people. His mom, Crystal, responds with the fact that she is not worshipping anyone, but they need someone in office who has “motherf---ing sense.” She also turns to ask her son why he would do that.

The girl who was filming the interaction told the news outlet that her whole family always goes out and votes together. It is such an event that they always go vote and then go out for breakfast together. Apparently, the family did have a conversation and discussed that Chris would place his vote for Joe Biden. Crystal said that the reason she got so upset that her son voted independent, is because she felt that it was a “wasted vote.”

The TikTok has gone viral with over 400,000 likes and you can view it in full here. Those in the comments were supportive of Crystal’s viewpoint and shared the agreement that the vote should have been cast for Joe Biden. Chris revealed that the reason he voted independent was because he did not know anything about Joe Biden, and he did not support Donald Trump.

He felt it was the right thing to do. This situation can also cause some concern, because it brings up the topic of how much control parent’s should have over their child’s vote. Whether parent’s need to let their child think independent and cast their vote appropriately. Despite everything, Chris said that they are all still family no matter what happens.

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Source: BuzzFeed News