Heading to preschool is a lot of fun for children, but it's also educational. Not only do the children learn the basics of reading and writing, but they also learn how to play with other children. When Mommy drops Baby John off at his preschool with Miss Hannah and his friends, he learns that sharing and caring are some of the most important lessons a child can learn.

When Baby John first arrives at school he spots a toy car he wants to play with. Unfortunately, his friend also wants to play with the same car, so what's Baby John to do? Miss Hannah tells the boys how important it is to share and take turns, so Baby John gets another toy car so each of the boys has one to play with and they can each take a turn.

Miss Hannah then brings out some paper and new crayons for all the children to use and asks them to each take a turn drawing a picture. The children love Miss Hannah so much they all drew her! When one of Baby John's classmates falls down while running Miss Hannah is there right away to help her up. She bandages up her scratch and makes it all better.

Now that the children have played inside, it's time to head out to the garden. Baby John and his friends take turns picking the pretty flowers that are growing outside. Miss Hannah then shows the children a board that showcases a variety of different animals, helping the children learn all about them. They're so excited to learn new things as they dance and sing in preschool.

It's time for some fun arts and crafts and Miss Hannah brings out the clay for the children to play with. They each use their imagination and creativity to make clay versions of themselves before moving on to free play. The kids are having a great time playing in the classroom, and Miss Hannah makes sure they're always safe while playing.

After the children have had a full day playing and learning, they clean up their messes and settle in for storytime. Miss Hannah read the children a story and then they surprise her by giving her the flowers they picked from the garden as well as showing her the pictures and clay figure they made for her. Miss Hannah is thrilled the children thought of her.

Children love to learn and be creative while at school. and your child will love watching Baby John and his friends as they learn how to share, be creative and play safely while at school and at the playground.

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