When it comes to bathing their kids, a lot of parents often have the same questions: how often is too often and how much is not enough? After all, a lot of rambunctious toddlers often get more dirty and messier than older kids. But will a nightly bath dry out a child’s skin? Is it really necessary to have a child shower everyday even during days in which there is very little activity outside? That’s what parents want to know and luckily for everyone, we’ve got the answers.

As far as bathing frequency, there really isn’t a scientific or biological answer as far as how often it should be done. As a matter of fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that newborns don’t even need to be bathed every day. All they need to do is make sure that their diaper region is clean.

If your child happens to have sensitive, dry skin, of course, be mindful of how often your bathe your child and what products you use, especially if his or her skin becomes irritated. Many skin conditions will worsen if you over wash your child or use.

Should your child become a Level A protester each time your turn the bath water on, don’t fret. After all, many tots hate the possibility of water touching their face and body or shampoo in their hair. What’s more, some kids hate going to bed with wet hair, or you might find nighttime baths make them more hyper. Switch their bath routine a little. Try giving your little one a bath after a nap or before breakfast on a weekend.

Overall, don’t insist on a bath every night. A little dirt never really hurt anyone. In fact, some microbiologists recommend bathing kids less frequently. If you decide on a bath routine that is only three or four times a week, that is completely acceptable as well. As a matter of fact, you can even get away with only washing your child’s hair twice a week, too.

If you have any additional questions of concerns, definitely call your child’s pediatrician or speak to a trusted health professional. And remember, a happy child is a clean child. But a wildly ecstatic and joyous child is a perfectly fine and dirty one.

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