Raising kids can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes children can be very disrespectful, and it's easy for one to lose their temper when this happens. Those who have raised children who are in their teen or tween years have likely faced some really tough times during which their kids tested their patience a bit. But the good thing is that there are some really effective tips that can help moms and dads handle situations like this.

RELATED: Why Your Child May Suddenly Act Disrespectfully

Remember That It's Not Personal

Annoyed woman and teen

Receiving disrespect from anyone can be extremely hurtful, but it can be even more hurtful when the disrespect comes from one's own child. It might cause a parent to wonder what exactly they are doing wrong, but according to Sunshine & Hurricanes, moms and dads should not take this behavior personally. Tweens are at a tough stage in life, and sometimes it can cause them to behave disrespectfully.

Don't Worry About Lecturing Them

Mother talking with tween

Sometimes it can seem like tweens and teens are all too happy to lecture their parents about everything that they are doing wrong, and that can cause parents to want to lecture them in response to their behavior. But it turns out that it might be better to skip that. Tweens are typically impulsive since their brains are not fully developed, which can mean that they are not considering the long-term effects of their actions. Therefore, giving them a lecture about those effects might not be the best course of action to take when they are being disrespectful.

Rules Are Still Important

Mom and boy

Sometimes it can seem like one has to leave rules that they have previously set behind in order to show their children love, but one effective way to deal with a tween that is being disrespectful is to reinforce the rules. It is possible to love children while letting them know that they still have to follow rules and that those rules have been created for a reason. It is important for parents to set limits.

Saying Things You Don't Mean Isn't Effective

Mom and teen

When people are upset, it can be easy for them to say some things that they do not really mean, which can be very damaging. Unfortunately, this can happen to parents and their children as well, especially when the child is being disrespectful and doing things that upset their parents. But it is important for parents not to say something that they do not mean, according to GetParentingTips.com. Tweens won't learn anything from that, and neither will younger children nor teenagers.

Take Time To Cool Down

Woman yoga

When people get upset, they tend to say and do things that can be incredibly hurtful to the person that they are talking to. Taking a minute to collect one's thoughts can help a person avoid things like this. This is even true for those who have to deal with disrespectful tweens.

When parents are getting upset with their tweens, they should take a moment to calm down before confronting them about their behavior. It's also a good idea for the tween in the situation to do this as well when they are getting upset.

Address What They Did That Was Disrespectful

Mom and teen

When a parent is upset with their tween's behavior, it can be very confusing for their child if they do not mention what exactly made them upset. Communication is very necessary for situations like these because tweens may not know what they did wrong if their parents don't tell them. Pointing out exactly what they did is best. Also, it's a good idea to point it out and address it as soon as possible.

It's Time To Be A Parent, Not A Friend

Mom and tween

Kids do need friends, but they also need parents as well, especially when they are acting disrespectfully. According to Parenting, when situations like this pop up, tweens are learning how to handle them from their moms and dads, even if they do not realize it at the time, so their parents should be using moments like this to set a good example for them.

Pick Something That Is Age-Appropriate

Tween cell phone

When kids are really young, parents can typically handle certain situations by using positive reinforcement. But when it comes to older children, that might not be quite as effective. Parents of tweens who are being disrespectful might have to start taking away items that they like for a certain amount of time or even keep them from engaging in activities that they find enjoyable.

Give Respect

Mom pointing at daughter

Children should give their parents respect, but it is important for parents to remember that they should also be giving their tweens some respect. After all, tweens are often looking to their parents to learn how to behave. If parents give them respect, perhaps they will learn to do the same with others.

Hang Out Together As A Family

Family playing a board game

It's important to let kids spread their wings and do things on their own when they are a tween, but it is also important for parents to have them stay home and spend some time with the rest of their family. Parents can even make this fun by planning a family game night.

Sources: Sunshine & Hurricanes, GetParentingTips.com, Parenting