Life is all about having as much fun as you can while you can still have it, right? Sure, things can get hard and there's a lot of serious stuff you have to deal with. It's not always sunshine and rainbows, and that's OK. But it's also OK to try and keep things light when given the chance, and it's absolutely OK to use your skills and sense of humor to make other people happy, too. After all, you never know what other people are going through, or when they might need a little spot of happy to brighten an otherwise dreary day or tough time in their life. In a little town in Colorado, one man is making it his mission to be that person for other residents in the tiny town. In his volunteer role as community roadside sign manager, Vince Rozmiarek is making his neighbors laugh, and going viral for his great sense of humor and knack for dad jokes.

Vince Rozmiarek lives in Indian Hills, Colorado, a town with approximately 1,000 residents. In 2013, he took over the volunteer position of roadside sign manager - his job was to change the lettering on the sign outside of town. Rozmiarek had some extra time on his hands, as his three children had all grown up and left home to start their own lives. When he first started as the sign manager, he was very serious about his duties, and only used the sign to post relevant information to residents and passers-by. But one April Fool's Day after he'd been managing the sign for some time, he decided to have a little fun, and posted a cheeky joke about a neighboring town. And thus, Rozmiarek's role as town funnyman was born.

Since that fateful April Fool's Day, 56-year old Rozmiarek has used the community sign as something of a joke board. He digs into his trove of dad jokes and his stash of joke books to come up with the funny, witty messages for the sign. He tries to avoid offensive or political banter, and never shares the same joke or pun twice. In 2015, another Indian Hill resident snapped a picture of Rozmiarek's hilarious sign and started the Indian Hill Community Sign Facebook page. Now we all get to laugh along with the lucky residents of Indian Hill, Colorado!

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