It looks like a raise in minimum wage would really help college students, and all they are asking for is $15 an hour. College students are just starting off in the world, and they are trying to figure out how it all works. They are juggling schoolwork, classes and a part-time job in an attempt to set them on the right course for life. At this point in their lives, a lot of moms would like to see their child have a bit more independent life. That can be tricky when they do not make enough money to provide for themselves.

According to CNBC, there is a ballot initiative in Florida that would like to see the state’s minimum wage increased to $15 an hour. More than 6 million votes came in for an increase in the wage, and some students are speaking out about it.

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Sade Andrews was one of those individuals. Sade is 19 years old and has a job as a fast food worker at his local McDonald’s. Sade realized just how important this was as the COVID-19 pandemic took over. Her sister had lost her job, and she had taken time off form her schooling to help her mother pay bills.

She wanted to work more, but she was now one of the two breadwinners of the house and was only bringing in $9.50 an hour. This meant that she was not able to return to school as quickly as she would have liked.

She joined “Fight for $15 and a Union” which has pledged to work to get the minimum wage raised, according to their official website. The referendum did pass, and the minimum wage will start to increase slowly through the years, it will take until 2026 for the minimum wage to hit the desired $15 but it is a step in the right direction.

Sade is not the only college student who feels that this will change their life. College students have said that an increase in minimum wage will help them be able to balance work and school. They call this a “game changer” for them to be able to afford their education.

This will reach a lot of students as well, it was reported that almost 70% of students also have a job, and it also looks like more states are going to follow with the raising of the minimum wage. This is also something that President-elect Joe Biden has declared he will do.

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Sources: CNBC, fightfor15