Even with the best of intentions, you'll very likely end up with a sunburn at some point this summer. We're diligent with sunscreen, of course, but some times things happen! You leave the house without sunblock and stay out longer than expected. Or your kiddos spend more time in the pool that anticipated, and you didn't re-block them after an hour or so. Sunburns happen, but man oh man are they painful! There are lots of different kinds of sunburn treatments, like aloe and even some with lidocaine to relieve some of the pain.

And of course, there are plenty of home remedies too, like baking soda paste or water and vinegar. It's always good to have a few tricks up your sleeve to try when someone in your home gets a little too much sun. So you're going to want to save this one, just in case.

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A woman named Cindie Allen-Stewart shared her genius sunburn remedy on Facebook, and we have to say, it sounds legit! It's been shared over 227,000 times, so obviously this is something that people need to know.

Cindie swears by this home remedy, and says it will clear up your sunburn in just a few days, tops! She says she learned the trick from her husband, whose mom used it on him when he was a kid. Honestly, we'll try anything, and this one sounds promising!

Forget the aloe: what you need is menthol shaving foam. Must be foam, and must be menthol! Cindie says the brand doesn't matter. First, apply the foam to your sunburn. But don't rub it in! Just let it sit on your skin. You'll start to feel it pull the heat out of your skin, according to Cindie. You might also experience some itching, which is fine.

After 30 minutes, the shaving foam will start to feel like it's drying out in spots (you know that feeling, right?). Rinse of the residual foam in a cool or lukewarm shower or bath. You may need to repeat the treatment the next day if your burn is really bad, but Cindie swears that the sunburn will disappear after just two treatments.

She says she uses it on her kids too, and after the sunburn she showed in the pictures, she didn't even have any peeling. Wow! We are sold, and will be trying this the next time we get a sunburn (because you know they'll be a next time). Have you used this sunburn miracle cure?

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