A new study outlines which consumer products put our kids at risk for a traumatic brain injury. Parents can take steps to keep their kids protected with the right knowledge.

A traumatic brain injury refers to a disruption to the brain's normal functions. It can be caused by a bump, a blow or jolt to the head, or a penetrating head injury. Almost three-fourths of traumatic brain injuries are linked to a consumer product.

Parents need to know which products are associated with traumatic brain injury so they can make informed decisions. Perhaps they will avoid certain products, or take extra precautions with certain products.

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According to the study, beds and other home fixtures and furniture were riskiest for children up to age four. Children sustained head injuries after falling off beds and other home furniture. Because of their height, bunk beds led to most serious traumatic brain injury.

Parents should always supervise and not allow their children to climb or sit on high surfaces. Babies and young children should sleep in cribs, with bedrails, or on low beds. Bunk beds are best saved for older children.

Carrier car seats, used for children under age two, were associated with traumatic brain injury when used improperly.

Infants should always be buckled securely into their car seats. When using the car seat as a carrier, never leave it on a surface from which it could fall.

Sports and recreation caused the most injuries among children aged five to nineteen years.

For those aged five to nine, bike crashes led to traumatic brain injuries most often. Older children were most likely to suffer traumatic brain injury while playing contact sports like football and basketball.

Some parents might forgo certain sports, like football, but using proper gear is most important. Teach children from the start to always wear a helmet while riding a bike.

Children of all ages commonly suffered traumatic brain injuries from falling down stairs or onto hard floors.

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