A mother's instinct is a power no superhero can replicate. Even though some people say that mother's intuition is a myth, a lot of new studies and researches prove that it actually works. Women are frequently more intuitive than men, they can recognize their children by smell only, they can read their kids, and they have an ability to see the danger threatening their child way before it actually comes up on the horizon.

Still, the very nature of mother's intuition is not completely understood. Perhaps, it's based on the fact that the baby lived in their mother's body for nine months, forging a special connection between them. Perhaps, it has something to do with shared energies. Perhaps, it's because of the strong love between mother and child. And perhaps, it's simply the urge to protect the offspring based on survival mechanisms. But do we really need to understand the nature of mother's instinct? Shouldn't we just accept that it's there and live by it?

Even if a mother doesn't feel like she has this gut feeling when it comes to raising her kids, it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with her. Mother's intuition, like any other kind of intuition, can be developed. The mother only needs to learn to listen to herself, to trust her gut feeling, and to act in accordance with it. And if the mother has at least half of the habits listed below, she already has this intuition well-developed.

23 She Frequently Talks To Her Kids

From a very early age, children can differentiate between the voice of their mother and voices of strangers. According to a research done by the University of Montreal and the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Center, infants born only 24 hours before can already recognize their mom's voice.

It means that a mom's voice is very special to a baby and it also means that it's very important for a mother to talk to her child.

Another study revealed that the voice of a mother activates the language processing center in the child's brain and allows them to learn language faster. And do I need to remind you that talking to your baby is also a great way to bond with them?

22 Mother Listens To Her Guts

Sometimes, it seems that everything is going fine and nothing wrong is happening. But even in such situations a mom can be concerned with something. She might be feeling that her child is likely to get sick soon and, voila, the kid gets a fever in a couple of hours.

Most mothers have this kind of feelings about their kids every now and then, but only some of them are able to tell the genuine gut feeling apart from simple anxiety.

21 Her Kids Are An Open Book

At times, kids seem to be extremely tricky creatures, who can't tell their mom what they actually want and play charades with them over the simplest questions.

But when a mom learns to read her child, she can quickly realize what they want to eat, what movie they'd like to watch, or where they wish to go for a walk.

Similarly, having a good mommy instinct, a mother can tell whether her child is sick or not by just looking them in the eyes. She can see a tantrum brewing in their kid like a storm on the horizon. And, of course, she knows her child's temperament, she knows what makes them happy and what makes them sad, meaning that she can probably resolve most of the everyday issues (relatively) easily.

20 Nothing Can Stand Between Mother And Her Child

Some people say that the most dangerous place in the world is between a loving mother and her child. Even the most rational and sane woman can turn into an unpredictable and relentless warrior, even a superhero with incredible strength, if she sees that something is threatening her baby. A mother can do anything in her power, and beyond, to protect her kid or to provide for them. Even when up against all odds, she will find a way to make her child happy.

So never, ever, even think about standing between a mother with good instincts and her child, unless you want to get into a real trouble.

19 Doesn't Care What Others Say

A good mom understands that she shouldn't listen to others, saying to her that she did something right or wrong in parenting. How she raises her child is nobody else's business and she doesn't concern herself with judgments and criticism. Instead, she trusts her own reactions and knows when to listen to her gut feeling.

For example, let's assume that a mother is reflecting on some debatable issue, such as co-sleeping. She might be reading about all the pros and cons, observe the results of studies on this topic, and see that the majority inclines to a certain side of the argument.

But something inside of her is screaming, "No, it doesn't feel right to me!"

She chooses the decision her gut is prompting and after some time it turns out that it was the best choice for her and her baby.

18 She Was Born To Be A Mom (Like Kylie Jenner)

Even though Kylie Jenner gave birth to her daughter Stormi Webster only less than a year ago, she can already be called a good mom for a lot of reasons. Even though the reality TV star is known for sharing every moment of her life with her fans on social media, she chose to keep her pregnancy private and now she keeps her baby away from the spotlight, which is obviously a wise decision.

When asked about how Kylie is doing as a mom, her mother, Kris Jenner, asnwered, "I think she was born to have kids," and went on to add, "She loves it. She’s doing really, really great. The baby is happy and healthy and everybody’s good at home and so excited."

Shouldn't we be happy for Kylie?

17 She Knows There's No Perfect Way To Parent

In fact, there is no way to be a "perfect" parent. There are also no "right" or "wrong" things in parenting. A mom, who has a good mother's instinct just knows what is best for her and her child. Sometimes, it means that she acts against all odds and against the opinions of other people.

But since she's the one who knows her child better than anyone in this world, she's also the one who should be making the decisions.

Sure, we're all people, and even a mom who listens to her gut feelings can make a mistake at some point. It doesn't make her any worse as a mother, but it becomes an essential experience for her, only resulting in her becoming better as a parent.

16 Mom Has A Natural Compass

There have been a lot of attempts to understand what a mother's instinct is, but science still doesn't understand how exactly it works, only explaining that it's probably part of the mechanism that ensures the survival of a child.

Mother's instinct is, indeed, a special kind of inner compass that helps the mother make sure that her child is healthy, happy, and safe. Due to this compass, the way a mother can nurture, protect, and love the child is unparalleled. If only she learns to listen to her instincts and trust them, despite what others tell her, she will certainly know what's best for her and her baby.

15 Her Instincts Improve With Time

If you're reading this list and thinking, "But I don't feel like I'm having these mother instincts. Does it mean I'm a bad mom?", keep in mind that it absolutely doesn't. It only means that you still have some things to learn and it's completely normal.

Besides, all these instincts are known to develop with time, so even if now you can't read your child and rarely guess when they're about to get sick, you'll probably learn how to do it in the future.

This mother's instinct will just come to you. Just continue to listen to yourself, learn to trust your gut feeling, and you'll see how things will improve.

And, in fact, the more kids you have, the more likely you are to develop these instincts.

14 She's A Constant Learner

As you could've understood from the previous entry, a woman rarely just has this mother's instinct from the very beginning. It comes to her gradually and develops with time. Mothers, just like all other people, learn from their mistakes. Most of the wrong things we've done, that may seem to be huge at the moment, turn out to be mere hiccups on the way (provided they don't involve risking someone's life) with the passage of time.

So if you didn't see a sickness coming, didn't buy a baby product and regretted it later, or failed to learn that your baby wanted a pacifier instead of a toy, it's okay. Remember that life is about learning and move on.

13 She Carries Her Baby On The Left Side

It might be a weird thing to mention, because it seems that the side on which you're carrying your baby is the least important thing. However, there's some logic in it.

In fact, according to statistics, 70 to 85% of women carry their babies on their left side. Most of us do it, even though we don't even realize it, because when we hold a baby on the left side of our bodies, the right side of our brain activates.

It's important for mothers, because the right side of the brain is responsible for understanding language and reading emotions. In other words, carrying your baby on your left side can help you better understand them!

12 She Does Everything To Protect Her Kids (Like Jessica Alba)

Every mom wants to protect her kids from the challenges they will face, and Jessica Alba is no exception.

Jessica Alba didn't exactly have the happiest childhood. "I was really sick as a kid," the actress recalled in an interview. "I had severe asthma and allergies, and I spent a lot of time in the hospital. My airways would start to close up if I had an attack — it was really scary."

Most of these allergies were linked to the baby products little Jessica used. Being a good mother, she didn't want her kids to have similar issues, so she started her own company, named Honest, that sells organic, 100% safe baby products.

"I didn't want that for my kids," said Alba and went on to add, "I wanted Honest to be a brand that put human health and safety first and actually worked." What an inspiring mom!

11 Mom Patiently Teaches Everyday Actions

It's no secret to anyone that when the baby is born, they can't do anything without the help of their parents. For this reason, parents are the people who teach children to function in this large and weird world we live in. They don't only teach them to walk or talk, but they also let them learn how people communicate, how everyday household items are functioning, and how the world is turning. They're also the ones who tell their kids about the customs and traditions of the country they live in, teaching them to behave in accordance with them.

Truly, there are so many everyday things, big or little, that need to be taught to children...

10 She Also Teaches The Art Of Communication

One of the most important things a mother can teach her baby is the art of communication. To do it, many mothers speak to their babies a bit differently as they would with adults. You certainly noticed it many times in your life. She will exaggerate her emotions, speak in a more high-pitched voice, and repeat her phrases several times.

Many mothers do these things intuitively, but scientists proved that it's actually the best way to talk to kids, because they pay more attention to this type of speech.

It helps them identify emotions and intentions, such as understanding whether their mom wants to comfort them, tell them to stop doing something, or is simply paying attention to them.

9 She Picks Up A Crying Baby

Almost every mother gets agitated when she hears her baby crying. Most of the time, a mother learns to recognize why her baby is crying and she provides them with what they want. But there are instances, when it's hard to know what to do. In this case, a mother with good instincts will probably want to just pick her baby up, hold them in her arms, give them a good hug, and just make it all better for them.

Don't believe the people who say that when you do it, you risk spoiling your baby. In fact, you're only doing them good. To name a few things, you reduce their stress, help them become resilient, and teach them empathy and impulse control.

8 She Knows Her Baby's Smell

What mom doesn't like the smell of her own baby? But in fact, it's not only about the smell itself (even though it's the best one in the world). While you're sniffing their hair, you're also picking up their pheromones, aka the chemicals we emit when trying to attract the person we like. As a result, you learn to recognize the scent of your baby and tell it apart from other babies.

A study confirmed that 90% of mothers were able to identify their baby by the smell alone after spending only 10 minutes with them and 100% managed to do it after being next to their infants for one hour.

Isn't it amazing?

7 Even Her Brain Is Wired For Her Kids

Let me share the results of a very interesting study that involved 13 mothers. In the first part of the study, they were watching a video of their baby of about 16 months of age, smiling or crying. In the second one, they were looking at someone else's baby of the same age, also smiling or crying. Then the women's brain patterns from both viewings were compared.

The results showed that brain patterns changed much more drastically, when the mothers were looking at their babies. The change was especially pronounced, when their child was crying. It means that a mother's brain is wired for her own kids and it responds more intensely, when the child is in distress.

6 She Puts Her Kids First (Like Angelina Jolie)

Now, as Angelina Jolie has 6 children (3 of them are adopted and 3 are her biological kids), it seems that this woman always wanted to be a mother. But Jolie surprised everyone by telling us,

"It's strange, I never wanted to have a baby. I never wanted to be pregnant. I never babysat. I never thought of myself as a mother."

But once Angelina went to Cambodia and visited an orphanage to play with kids, she realized that "my son was in the country, somewhere." Soon the actress adopted her first son, Maddox, and her story as a super-mother began.

These days, Jolie always puts her kids first. She teaches them critical thinking and independence, spends as much time as possible with them, and helps them understand how awesome it is to be open to new things.

5 Nesting Urges Are On

Nesting urges can begin to appear even before your child is born. When pregnant, especially when getting closer to the due date, a lot of women suddenly become eager to keep their house clean and organized, put things where they belong, and just make everything perfect. It happens even to those women who never really liked being so organized.

Something similar happens to many expecting mothers in the animal kingdom, including humans, birds, as well as many other animals. It must be nature telling us to make sure that everything's ready for the appearance of a new human being. And, of course, it's a very emotional stage for every woman.

4 She's Creative About Solving Problems

There are different kinds of intuition and creative intuition is one of them. A mother who has it just knows that new ideas often work better than old ones, and she comes up with these new ideas every now and then. Let me explain what I mean.

Let's say a mother is having a difficult situation that comes up again and again. Suppose she's having trouble getting her child to sleep. She tries one and the same things repeatedly, but they don't work. And one day, an alternative solution just comes to mind. Often, this burst of inspiration is groundbreaking and the problem is just, you know, gone!